"Credit you give yourself is not worth having" -Irving Thalberg
(The following is Andrew's B2P show diary for 2001. It is in no way meant to express the opinions of anyone else in the band, or the band as a whole)
12.06.01/9 Lives Saloon: This ended up being our last show of the year, so we hoped it would be fun. We kicked a whole lot of ass, and played with a kind of fury that's as potent as it is unpredictable. Being onstage at the 9 Lives Saloon is like being inside an oven set on "broil", it's just unbearably hot, which does hamper your performance a bit. Justin and I both were purple-faced and sweating like mad after we finished. However, the sound guy and the floor manager were both total pros, and they have the best attitude. I respect them and I like the way they do business. But the best part about the show: people came out to see us and we cannot express how happy it makes us feel to see you guys down front. Hope we got you all tingly inside!
So we played exactly 20 shows in 2001, and I think we made a great run of it. We've grown so much as friends and musically, and I hope we get even closer and better in the year to come. I am thankful to be able to make such incredible music with such incredible people, and most of all, I am thankful to everyone who has shown support for us by continuing to watch us play all these shows. If we made your day, or just allowed you to go nuts for a while, that means the world to us. We love what we do, and are happy to share it with all the kids. Hopefully in 2002 we'll get our album out, get bigger and better shows, and continue to lead by example for all the naked dudes and big-booby chicks that dig Born To Please so damn much!
12.01.01/Somber Reptile: So you might be asking yourself, "after an entire year of playing all sorts of great music venues in Atlanta, why the hell would Born To Please want to go back to the crappy-ass Reptile?", and believe me this question is a legitimate one. For those of you who don't know much about me, I have been in bands since I was 14 years old, and have been playing Somber on and off since the age of 16 in various bands. When Born To Please first started, we did 5 shows in the span of 3 months at this club. Things happened really fast for us, and we gained a lot of attention very quickly. At the same time, the treatment we were getting at Somber got worse and worse. In November of 2000, we played a show there that we were SURE the management of Somber was doing everything in their power to cancel (go to the bottom of this page and read up for the whole story). End result, we vowed NEVER to play there again.
So why did we come back? Simple. We wanted to do a show with our friends in ROCKET NUMBER NINE and DIESEL COCKWRENCH, one that fans of all ages could get into, one that we knew would rock like hell (one thing Somber DOES have is an excellent sound guy who, when treated like a fellow human being, will give you better sound and lights than any club you will play in Atlanta). In our year away from the Reptile, we accomplished a lot, made an album, made lots of friends, and played many many kick ass shows at many different places. So we wanted to come back and rock it for the kids. And we did.
Unfortunately, I have to report that Somber is still very poorly run and the people who work the door do not make any effort to treat the bands with any degree of respect. A gig is a partnership between club and band, not some special priviledge THEY give you for "LETTING" you play "THEIR" club. Somber does not advertise its gigs, it has no following, and it does not make adequate use of its facilities. Meaning, it could be (and once many years ago, WAS) a great little club for bands to start out in. As it stands, it's a shit hole. We were assured by the owner that we'd be treated to one guest per band member, and we had to fight just to get 2 people in...not counting my WIFE...on the band's list. They charge $9 if you are under 21 to get in the door. People just walk in and out of the place, the bands do not get paid, and you feel like the inmates are running the asylum. And the worst part of all, we didn't even get to see ROCKET NUMBER NINE play. Why? For some reason they were made to go on at 5pm, DIESEL and us played around 9 or 10pm. It's just not fair.
But enough of the trash talk. BECAUSE THE SHOW ROCKED!!! We fucked that place in HALF. An evil grin manifested itself across the sound guy's face, the lights went down, and smoke filled the room. I could barely see my guitar as Justin came thundering in on the drums. After that, it was a blur. Next thing I knew, Santiago was standing on a chair in the middle of the stage, Jeri was covered in water and had 3 girls on her lap, and I was in my underwear jumping around like a freak. And the crowd ate it up.
So thanks to everyone who made it great. I got home, looked at the big holes I'd ripped in the first 3 fingers of my left hand, and felt wonderful to be part of such an amazing time. Born To Please rules, our fans rule, and the strange girl who tore Somber's bathroom apart after we played ("because you were so fucking good", she said later) rules too.
11.10.01/The Earl: After our August 26th show at the Masquerade, we took a 2-month break from performing live in order to put all our energy towards rehearsing and recording our full-length album. So this show marked our return to the stage. We played an intense set and everybody was awesome. I could sense a bit of nervousness because we'd been out of practice for the stage, but we made up for it with our energy. It was great to see so many familiar faces in the crowd, many of whom are in other local bands. Having the support of your fellow artists is great, considering there is a lot of competition at the local level between bands. I think Atlanta bands could be much more successful (and have a lot more fun) if they pulled together more as a collective. But I'm rambling...sorry.
So anyway, this show also marked the 5th time we played The Earl, tying our Somber Reptile record finally for "most performances at a single venue". Unfortunately, my experience with The Earl this time around wasn't as nice as usual. I've talked in this diary before about how cool The Earl has been to us compared to other large venues in the area. Even though we're not a big act, they still treat us like we're more than just some band playing their club. They always try to make it as pleasant as possible for the bands. But the rules changed a bit for this particular show, and I think it was because we were playing with a pretty well-known act, HARLOW (from the TV show "VH-1 Bands On The Run). I watched every single episode of the show, and I loved it. Being in a band myself, I think I appreciated the show more than your average viewer. But you got the feeling that somebody on The Earl's staff was going out of their way to accomodate HARLOW just because they were part of a nationally televised cable show, and the other bands didn't matter so much all the sudden. The girls in HARLOW are nice people, they aren't rock stars with huge egos that're looking to step on everyone else, they do not expect the royal treatment I'm sure. I completely understand why The Earl wanted to cater to them a bit more than the usual artist playing their club, but if HARLOW does get super-famous, they will have to play a music hall next time they come to Atlanta, not a bar. I guess The Earl has just spoiled us over the past year, we shouldn't expect such good treatment all the time. But they still were better to us than any other venue we've played (except Dottie's, which sadly no longer exists).
Speaking of playing bars, I really hate it that there aren't more all-ages or "18 and up" venues in Atlanta. We would get so many more people in the audiences if we could play more places that don't require you to be 21 to get in. I realize the danger of bars letting 18-year-olds in, which is why I understand they are strict about this. But places like The Echo Lounge, Masquerade, The 40 Watt, and Tasty World at least allow 18-year-olds admission. They just stamp your hand with some kind of "no drinking" thing so you can't get beer. But these places are music halls and not bars. The Star Bar, 9 Lives Saloon, and The Earl are primarily bars or "hangouts" that also feature music. It's just tough because most all our fans are under 21. They show up in the parking lot of these places and we can't get them in. It sucks. But what can we do? Ah, the pitfalls of being young a young nobody band.
All in all, it's great to be back doing shows again. DRILL TEAM, the band who played after us, were very funny and were nice people. They interacted with the audience very well, you can tell they are pros. I dug the show very much. As for HARLOW, they seemed nice and I wish them lots of luck. I admire them because I would never be able to go through the rigors of tourning, much less do it with a camera in my face 24 hours a day. I could never live like that. Moreover, I would never want to be famous, because I would never want people treating me any different than anyone else for any reason whatsoever.
10.06.01/REPORT FROM THE RECORDING STUDIO: As you probably know, Born To Please hasn't been playing any shows because we've been working on our full-length album. But I wanted to write something about how that's going, and this seemed like the best place to do so.
On Saturday, September 8th, we knocked out 12 of the 14 tracks in just under 9 hours. It was awesome, and we knew about halfway through the day that we had something great on our hands. We went back in the following day to do guitar overdubs and work on the final vocals. It was so much fun to not only be around the band for so much time at a clip, but to be finally recording our music properly. September 8th was the 1-year anniversary of the first time Born To Please did a show together, so it was incredible to still be going strong and to have so much great material and chemistry. We have become great friends as well as partners in crime. As the session on Sunday the 9th got into the later hours, a genuine feeling of togetherness and creativity seemed to be all over the room. Jeri stood at the mic laying down vocals for the song "ThisPlace" as Santiago, Justin and I sat on the floor near her, holding our headphones close to our ears and becoming totally absorbed in the music. The room was dark, lit only by the lamps behind the glass in the control room.
That has proven to be my lasting and most vivid memory of our time creating the album. In a couple days the final mix should be ready, and the next step will be figuring out how we will pay for mastering and duplication. Whatever happens afterward, nothing can change the bonding experience we had as a band, and what a special thing we have done. I am torn between my intense anxiousness and desire to share our record with the rest of the world...and a strange need to keep it as my hidden personal treasure. Regardless of what small-time critics or jaded rock n' rollers will say about it after it comes out, nothing will pollute the feeling of accomplishment and pride I have, and the idiotic smile that appears across my face every time I hear those songs.
8.26.01/The Masquerade: About a week prior to our show at the Echo Lounge with Jucifer, The Masquerade called me up and asked if we wanted to headline a show there on the 23rd of August. Everybody was really excited by this because getting asked back by any venue is a pretty big deal, and apparently someone saw us at our last Masquerade show (when we opened for the freako clown circus on a Sunday evening) and liked us enough to have us back as the main act. We took that as a pretty big compliment.
However, we weren't expecting much of a turnout because we'd just had a ton of people at our show a couple weeks earlier, and this time we were going on at midnight on a Thursday. But as luck would have it, our friends and fans came out to support us and we ended up with good-sized audience that responded to us very well. This was our last show before going in to record our album, so it was nice to get sent off on a positive note. I feel we are very fortunate to have so many people that like our band enough to come see us time and time again. I just play like I'm on fire and hope that they love it as much as I do.
8.9.01/The Echo Lounge: I'm going to remember this one for a long time. This was the "Jucifer CD Release Party" and we were lucky enough to be asked by the band to open the show. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
For those of you who don't know who Jucifer is, I can't adequately describe their music with words. You need to get your ignorant asses to a record store and buy one of their albums. Trust me, you will love it. They are incredible.
Being as I have lived in Athens for the past 4 years, I have come to know Jucifer's music well, as they are an Athens band. Seeing them play all the time made me swell with pride, because I live here and they're from here and...well, honestly...they are one of the best bands I have ever seen. Through me, everyone in Born To Please became instant Jucifer fans. We frequently talked about how we'd absolutely shit ourselves if we ever got the chance to play with them.
So you could imagine how we screamed (like little girls) with delight when they asked us to play. I'm not 100% sure why this happened, but I am truly grateful. Sitting here now, I almost can't believe it happened. We did it.
And to top it off, the show was off the freakin hook. All our friends showed up to support us, and we played extremely well. My fingers hurt and my head is killing me, and I am so happy right now.
I would like to say thanks to Jucifer for being so friendly and nice to us, I know we will not forget it. I honestly wasn't sure if we'd ever get to play the Echo Lounge again, but because of you guys we got so much more than that.
7.19.01/The Earl: The Earl is my favorite venue in Atlanta to play, no question. They are so nice to us, it is incredible. You realize, after playing the Earl a few times, what a luxury it is to have A) a real load-in area, B) friendly sound guys, C) a comfortable backstage room, and D) water. Before you say anything, read this whole page. Yes, we have been denied WATER before at some venues. Even in jail you get water. So I feel lucky that The Earl continues to say "yes" to us, even though they probably haven't made a nickel off of us yet. I understand running a club is a business, and has little to do with actual music. But to their credit, The Earl still maintains a friendly atmosphere & makes the little nobody bands feel welcome.
Anyway, on to the actual show. Tonight was really special, we got to play with 2 other bands that we're friends with: BOSS and SHARKS AND MINNOWS.
We met BOSS last September (when they were known as PINKEYE), and bonded with them quickly because they were just starting out as well. We did some of our first shows together, and it made the experience a lot more bearable to at least see friendly faces in those days. Since then, we have gotten to know them well. Mitsu, their singer/bassist, celebrated her birthday at tonight's show. I got to meet her parents AND play a song with them onstage. I have never seen them play so well, they are such a great band.
My history with SHARKS AND MINNOWS goes back a long way. Santiago went to high school with their singer/guitarist Chris and their drummer Dan. Dan played in the legendary EVERGREEN with Santiago & I in high school, and continued to work with me in THUMPER after EVERGREEN split. They are great friends of ours, and it feels cool to play with them. They are very talented and also good people. Music isn't too bad either.
Because it was a weeknight and we played last, not very many people stayed to see us. This did not bother us a bit. In fact, it probably helped because we had 2 new songs in the set that we'd never done live before. They sounded great though, but we might have been a little more nervous playing them if we were staring out at a room full of people. I played hard, sweated like a bastard, and felt totally exhausted afterward. This morning my whole body ached, and I noticed I've worn out a sizeable hole in my left hand index finger. After a year of being a part of BORN TO PLEASE, I have come to realize that I could never ask for a better band. If anything ever happens to us, I am done. Nothing else could ever match it, and I would not put myself through this again.
6.16.01/9 Lives Saloon: This was our second time performing at this club, so I was a little more prepared, which probably showed in the way I played. The heat in that place is almost unbearable just sitting at a table, but under the lights onstage, jumping around, you feel like you're going to explode like the fat guy in that Monty Python movie. As soon as we got up there, I took off my shoes, socks, and shorts, so at least I could stay somewhat cooler. It worked and I was okay.
One of the highlights of this gig was getting to play with the band Boss, who we're fans of and good friends with. We did several shows with them (they used to be called Pinkeye) when we were first starting out, and they were one of the few bands we had anything in common with. They went through a personnel change and were out of the game for a few months, but came back stronger than ever, so it was cool to be sharing the stage with them once again. In fact, I got to play bass with them during their set at this show, which was so amazing and great. I've never really gotten the chance to do anything like that before, so it was a thrill on a personal level. Their music is great and they are very talented, good people. I do not say that about just anybody.
Lastly, let me say that the crowd at 9 Lives was one of the biggest we've seen in a while, and they were really kind to us. As much as I detest the atmosphere in "rock n roll" clubs, I still like it when they cheer and clap. I just don't feel comfortable in places like that, but the same goes for just about every place we play. It comes with the territory, so I'm ready to show em what I got every time no matter what. I'm just so glad I'm on the stage because I would not be there otherwise. I'm just not a cool guy. I like kicking it with my best friends, and that's what I see playing in this band as.
5.20.01/The Masquerade: In May of 2000, Santiago and I attended a concert here by the mighty Rollins Band (probably our 5th or 6th time seeing them play, who knows). We didn't know it at the time, but our drummer-to-be, Justin Freeborn, was also in the audience that day. A month or so later, Born To Please was formed. Now, less than a year after that, WE played on that same stage. To some, doing shows at the Masquerade may not be such a big deal. To us, it was a milestone for the band. We were up there, we were doing it, standing where many musicians we've known & admired had stood before. It was a great feeling of accomplishment.
The show went off pretty good, and we had many smiling faces there in support. It went by really really fast, next thing I knew it was over. We covered a Rollins Band song to close out the set, and I hope it hit the others like it hit me. I am so proud of us, and I'm ready for whatever is next.
5.14.01/Nuçi's Space: We do most of our shows in Atlanta, but our practice space is in Athens. It's a place called Nuçi's Space, which opened late last year and has been a blessing to the Athens music community (find out more at www.nuci.org). The place is one of a kind, and we would not be doing as well as we are without it. In addition to several large, air-conditioned practice rooms, Nuçi's Space has a main lobby area complete with a bar, stage, and comfy couches. It looks and feels just like a club, only a thousand times more pleasant to be in.
The show itself was, in my opinion, one of the best performances we have ever done. Rocket Number Nine was the only other band that night, and they played before us. We've known them for many years, and their music is great. They have an original and refreshing sound that gets makes you wanna dance like a retarded ape. The only downside was that we only played for about 6 or 7 people. But you know what? It didn't make us suck. We played awesome. Like our Cinefest shows in January, I feel sorry for everybody who missed this.
5.12.01/Dacia Cafe: This was a last-minute show that ended up being one of the best performances we've done so far. Dacia is a restaurant in a little shopping center in Lawrenceville. They clear the tables out and have shows there on the weekends. It's all ages, and the cover is $5. You can't smoke or drink inside the place, and they have a P.A. set up against one wall with a carpet for the drums. Let me tell you, it was awesome. There were bunches of kids there who really liked the music, and they were into it. I spoke to many of them before & afterward, and they were nice as hell. I hope they can continue to put on shows there, because it was so comfortable. The sound was even good. I could hear better there than in a few big clubs we've played at.
As far as our performance went, it was excellent. Dacia's mics unfortunately cut out during three of our songs, but that was the only thing that went wrong. You can't blame the mics, they never had Jeri & I sing throgh them before (too much ROCK!). All our songs were tight and we didn't mess up a thing. At the audience's request, we did our cover of "Pussy", which always gets 'em excited. Some drunk girl came up and sang it with us, and flashed Jeri a couple times. It was interesting to say the least, but she sounded great anyway.
Thanks to our friends Diesel Cockwrench & The Pornographs for getting us on this show. We definitely had fun, and hope to do it again soon.
5.10.01/The Earl: B2P rolled the gravy train into the Earl for the 3rd time for this show, and it was awesome as usual. We always get treated nice there, which is unfortunately a rare thing for us (we love you Earl). There wasn't many people there, but that never usually matters. I always have fun no matter what. In fact, it seems like the smaller the crowd, the goofier I get onstage. This time I was in my own little world for most of the show, saying and doing whatever came to mind. I messed up a few times, but none of the songs came to a screeching halt or anything. If I look over at Jeri and she's not smiling, I usually try to do something stupid. I don't want to be the only one up there grinning like a retard, you know? Most times I am though. But you know what, I think the audience gets a kick out of it anyway. At times I've thought that maybe I should stop acting so silly up there, but everyone says "NO". So here I am.
This was our second show with Puddin, whom we met when we played the Echo Lounge with them back in December. The other band on the bill this night was Strut, they seemed like nice folk. They came into the room and introduced themselves and everything. Most bands we play with aren't normally that friendly, so it was cool. The suck part is I had to leave right after we played (as is usually the case when I have to work the next morning), so I didn't get to hear them. I didn't see Puddin either, but I have before and I know they rocked. Kim came up to me after we played and put the devil sign in my face, so I knew all was cool & the gang.
5.05.01/9 Lives Saloon: This was our first time playing 9 Lives, and the show went really really well. Since it was the weekend of the big "Music Midtown" thing, we were told not to expect much of a crowd (like we ever do anyway). It turned out to be pretty much the same number of people we usually play for, so that was cool. We got to do our entire set this time (see: Tasty World), and I think everyone came off feeling like we did a great job. The sound guy was cool, which should always be the case but a lot of times is not. A lot of our friends showed up to see us, and I noticed people kept poking their heads in the door and stuff. I came off feeling like we made a good impression on the 9 Lives patrons, despite the fact that it was REALLY HOT onstage and I couldn't move around as much as I usually do (for fear of passing out). Justin's knuckle was bleeding after we played, but that's really the only thing that went wrong. That, and I wasn't able to stay for the other bands (XXX Hardrive, Cyco, Bang The Union). The guys from XXX were cool and I'm sure we'll see them again.
If this show was any indication of what our other shows this summer are going to be like, then I am definitely stoked. Did I say stoked? Does anyone still say that?
4.26.01/Tasty World: Instead of recounting what happened at this show, I'll tell you a little story.
One night, when I was about 13 years old, I was making out with my girlfriend in her room. Right when things really started getting good, her parents came home. I was kind of upset that things didn't get to go further, but I was completely happy just to have been able to do what I did. When I went to stand up, an unbelievable pain wracked my lower body (a condition I later found out was called "blue balls"). My walk home, which was only under a mile, seemed to last an eternity. It hurt so bad. I just kept thinking about my girlfriend, and about how great it was just to have made out. But god, was I in pain.
That's the best way I can describe the Tasty World show (good, but over before it got great). Thanks to Sharks And Minnows for being great friends and great musicians, to the guy from Grasshopper for jumping to Santiago's aid when he had technical difficulties, and to the great Claire Campbell for "damage control". I can't wait to play there again.
3.20.01/The Earl: The idea was to take the month of February off to write some new stuff and revise our set (as you can see if you read on, we'd been playing almost non-stop since last September), but everything we had scheduled for early March fell through. Luckily, The Earl contacted us to open for a touring band called Texas Terri & The Stiff Ones, and we found ourselves at this gig.
Jeri started the evening by spray-painting our band name all over one wall of the dressing room backstage, filling the club with the intoxicating stench of...spray paint. None of the smokers exploded. After the place aired out, I sat in that room for a long time talking to Ames Evil ("Roadie To The Stars"), who was there with Texas Terri. He told a lot of cool stories about the bands he's worked for, and let me see his personal photo album. It was incredible. There he was, page after page, standing next to some of the most infamous names in rock: Dinah Cancer, Exene Cervenka, Sharon Needles, The Muffs...there was even one with Timothy Leary (!!!). Most impressive of all was the one with him and Lisa Marr (formerly of CUB and BUCK), the very woman who inspired me to play bass. Again, incredible.
The show itself was awesome, lots of people we know came out and we even gained some new fans. Our new songs went over well, and the band was so glad to get back in the ring after such a long time out. I had to be at work the next morning, so I was unable to watch Texas Terri play. Apparently she's known for getting naked onstage or something, and their music is good. Anybody ever hear of Wendy O. Williams and The Plasmatics? How about the movie "Reform School Girls"?
1.27.01/The Earl: This really was a landmark show for us. First, we were contacted by the club after they'd heard us on the radio. Second, we were asked to headline, which meant we were to be the main attraction (I'm still in shock from all this). It proved to be a very good night, even if we didn't pack the place to capacity. Hey, we're still only a few months old. The club itself was great, probably the best all-around we've played so far. It had a real parking lot, was in comfortable surroundings, and the staff didn't treat us like we were shit. Plus, the sound was excellent, I was able to hear everything well. They gave me water without trying to push beer on me, and they welcomed us to write our name on the wall.
The bands we shared the bill with were great as well. Eustace, a 3-piece emo group from Kentucky, opened the show. They were nice to me and their music was totally solid rock. After we played, their singer told me we were "the most perverted band" he'd ever seen. I took it as a compliment. I told him it took a lot of guts to just go play somewhere far away where nobody knows you. I don't think I could do it.
After Eustace came Kickstand, who graciously filled in on a moment's notice after another band cancelled. Watching them was an odd experience, because I felt like I was seeing a band that was already famous and well-respected. Their songs were catchy, and Ray's got an incredible voice. Given that we'd never heard these bands before, I'd say this show was exceptional. I love it when everyone on the bill has a different sound.
This was also one of the best audiences we've played for, totally cool. They cheered us and even got onstage for our cover of "Pussy", which featured more backing vocals than we've ever had before. Anyone who was there will tell you it was awesome. And we weren't too bad either.
1.20.01/Dottie's: Every time we play here, the reception is better and better. This show was on like friggin Donkey Kong! Dottie's is the ONLY place we've played where I feel truly welcome and appreciated. It is beyond belief how different the atmosphere & staff are here from other venues we've been to. Not only are they actually nice at Dottie's, but they talk to you like you're a friend. Hell, you get the feeling they like having you. As of our third show at the place, we have yet to have a bad experience.
And let me just say that we felt "back" after our 2 nights playing to empty seats at Cinefest (the previous weekend). It was smoke, lights, rock, and a vocal & appreciative audience. And it was all over way too fast. Dottie's has been cool to us every time, and I can't thank em enough for that. As a new band on the scene, that kind of treatment is just unheard of. (NOTE: This was the last time we played Dottie's under its original management.)
1.12-1.13.01/Cinefest: Words alone cannot describe how comfortable I was playing here. It was an incredible feeling. Cinefest is a movie theater inside Georgia State University, by the way. The people were cool, the sound was excellent, and we got to watch a kick-ass movie (on the big screen) after we finished playing. Our 2-night stand there was just the friggin greatest. I actually feel sorry for anyone who didn't come see us that weekend. You not only missed two of our best performances, but a hell of a good time. Plus, that was the final showing of "Coffy" at Cinefest. I feel honored that we were the ones to give Pam her send-off.
So yeah, the turnout was disappointing, but I played my guts out anyway. It was an awesome experience. I can think of nothing better, after kicking so much ass with the band, than to sit and watch a cool movie and drink FREE Powerade and eat FREE candy. Hell yes! Thank you, Blake.
1.12.01/"Nitrate 88" (WRAS 88.5 FM): To promote our show (opening for a screening of the Pam Grier film "Coffy"), we went on the radio during their hour of soundtrack music & film reviews. It was our band's first real interview, so the fact that it was on the air made it even cooler. Basically we just sat there in comfy chairs and talked about the band and movies. The main thing I was concerned with was not sounding stupid, and we came off pretty well. All the people there were super-nice also. Hopefully somebody was listening, because they ended the show by playing one of the songs off our cd.
1.10.01/The Star Bar: The Helgas invited us to come open for them, having never actually heard our music. This was a first for us, being recommended to another band by word of mouth. Another first for us was the Star Bar itself. It's a nice place to play, the area (Little 5 Points) is usually hopping and is well-lit. Every time we went into the parking lot, though, somebody would be begging for change (see also: Dottie's). But hey, it was all good. I gave them what I had, probably because I had no desire to know what it felt like to have my heart removed by a vienna-sausage-can lid.
The show itself went great. Friends of ours brought underwear & bras to throw at us, but some audience members thought it was real and took off their shit and threw it. Jeri was surprised when a warm bra flew her way. But that's rock n' roll for ya, I guess. The Helgas rocked ass, and our friends The Moonshine Killers reportedly put on a badass show too (me & Julie had to cut out early to get back to Athens).
The only downside was I think the sound guy hated our guts. But you never know with those folks sometimes.
ClickHEREfor Andrew's 2000 Show Diary